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Six big food trends for 2020

2020 marks a new year and a new decade—and this means new trends in how Canadians eat and enjoy food. Every year we keep a close eye on the latest food trends. And every year we are struck by how the humble egg always finds a way to remain a favourite. Here is how 2020 is shaping up in the world of food.

Eggs at any time of day

Last year Egg Farmers of Canada launched our #EggsAnytime marketing platform, reminding Canadians it’s not weird to enjoy eggs outside of breakfast.

Eggs for lunch and dinner is more than a trend—it’s here to stay. In 2020, you can expect to see eggs starring in fresh recipes for lunch, dinner and any time in between.

Plant-forward eating with eggs

Kale salad with roasted vegetables

Plant-forward eating is part of a drive among Canadians to eat more whole and unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. Eggs are a great protein compliment to  plant-forward recipes and diets. The science backs this up: A salad eaten with whole cooked eggs increases the carotenoid (i.e., lutein, zeaxanthin, α-carotene, β-carotene and lycopene) absorption of the vegetables.1

Sustainable food

Sustainability will continue to be a top priority for Canadians in 2020. The 2020 Nourish Network Trend Report notes that “climate change emerged as a top issue in the recent federal election. Will consumers start eating based on environmental or climate impact?”2

Agriculture is at the heart of the sustainability movement—and egg farmers are leading the way. We have been farming sustainably for decades. We take a holistic, multi-faceted view of sustainability, based on five core pillars: protecting the health and welfare of our hens, delivering safe, high-quality eggs to Canadians, finding new ways to make egg production more environmentally sound, enhancing the well-being of others and empowering our people. The combination of these efforts will continue to have an impact on egg production in Canada, building on our track record: over fifty years, we cut our environmental footprint by 50% while increasing production by 50%.

Brain food

Zucchini pasta

Food that boosts brain power is going to be increasingly popular in 2020. “Foods to ease anxiety, depression, mood, improve memory and decrease chronic conditions of Alzheimer’s and dementia will likely be a focus in 2020,” says Registered Dietitian Anar Allidina.3 Eggs are a fantastic brain food. They are a great source of both choline and lutein, which play a critical role in cognition.

Back to basics

Canadian consumers want the joys of simple, wholesome food. The 2020 Nourish trend report expects “more dialogue around what constitutes ‘real food’… processed foods have been on the decline as consumers move to ‘real’ food.”4 Eggs deliver a valuable source of high-quality protein, key nutrients including iron and vitamins A, D, and E, all in the form of a versatile, unprocessed food that can fit many healthy eating patterns and delicious recipes.

Fresh snacking 

Hard boiled eggs

Eggs are a quick and easy choice for snackers seeking wholesome and nutritious options. As part of the movement away from processed foods5, more and more Canadians are gravitating towards these nutritious snacks—like hard boiled eggs. Egg-based snacks mean satisfying hunger between meals while enjoying an extra helping of nutrients, transforming snacking into a more nutritious activity.

At the heart of all this year’s food trends are three important considerations: more nutrition, more goodness and more delicious food. No wonder eggs are timeless—they deliver all three on Canadian plates.

1 Kim JE, Ferruzzi MG, Campbell WW. Egg Consumption Increases Vitamin E Absorption from Co-Consumed Raw Mixed Vegetables in Healthy Young Men. J Nutr. 2016;146:2199-2205.
2 2020 Nourish Network Trend Report
3 Global News
4 2020 Nourish Network Trend Report
5 2020 Nourish Network Trend Report