These were our five most popular articles in 2018
By Egg Farmers of CanadaAs we say goodbye to 2018, we look back fondly on another year covering the latest news and big developments in Canadian egg farming. And what a year it was, as you’ll see in our five most popular articles from 2018. Let’s start with number five…
5. Ready for your virtual egg farm tour?
We visited Egg Farmers of Canada Chairman Roger Pelissero on his picturesque farm in West Lincoln, Ontario, where he offered us a special treat—a guided tour of the barn, and a look at the inner workings of a Canadian egg farm operation. Don’t worry, you aren’t missing out… you can watch a guided virtual tour online! Just click here.
4. Meet the man feeding thousands with egg farmers’ help
We’re not surprised this was one of our most popular stories. Dr. Andrew Simone is simply an inspiration. Responding to a call for help from Mother Theresa, Dr. Simone founded a charity that helps to feed thousands of hungry children around the world. He is aided in this extraordinary work, in part, by Canadian egg farmers—we donate 16 metric tons of powdered eggs to Dr. Simone’s charity, Canadian Food For Children, annually.
3. 2018’s egg-centric culinary trends
Early in 2018 we covered the coming year’s top food trends, from Japanese-style breakfast to the fourth meal. Unsurprisingly eggs had a starring role in many of these trends. No wonder: the egg is an extraordinarily versatile ingredient, that brings a rich harmony of nutrients and flavour to every plate. See the culinary trends that defined 2018 alongside some fantastic egg recipes in this article. And stay tuned for our upcoming piece on 2019 food trends!
2. The sixth generation of Coburn farmers passes the torch
In 2018 we shared the story of the Coburns, a sixth generation Canadian farming family in Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick. We profiled the family patriarch, David Coburn, and his two sons Glen and Tyler—who are about to take over the farm and become the seventh generation of Coburn farmers. You can read more about the transition in the history of a great farming family by clicking here.
1. Canada is breakfast sandwich nation
Could the most Canadian food on the market be… eggs? It might just be so. After all, we’ve seen 12 years of consistent growth in egg sales. Breakfast sandwiches are exploding in popularity across Canada, and breakfast is the only mealtime where restaurant sales are growing.1 Across the country, all-day breakfast is taking Canadians by storm. We chronicled this hot trend in our most popular article from 2018—give it a read!
If you love stories about Canadian family farms, nutrition and the delicious goodness of the humble egg, subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here. We’re excited to bring you another year of news and stories from the world of egg farming!