How to eat healthier with eggs
By Egg Farmers of CanadaA high quality, balanced diet supports Canadians through all stages of life: promoting healthy growth for babies, supporting development in early childhood, and into adulthood, lowering risk of disease and health conditions. What we eat is not only the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, but also a healthy society.
The reality is that many Canadians are not eating the nutritious food they need to stay healthy. Ultra-processed foods are abundant in grocery stores across the country, supplying a significant amount of calories and little nutritional value. The pace of daily life has also accelerated, decreasing available time for meal planning and increasing the likelihood of eating meals on the go. These marketplace and lifestyle changes have real health consequences. In fact, over the past forty years, obesity rates among children have tripled in Canada—intensifying the risk of heart disease, cancers and a host of other serious health conditions in Canadians.1

Canadian egg farmers offer a nutritious, accessible and homegrown solution to healthier eating: eggs! As a convenient source of high-quality protein and essential vitamins and nutrients, incorporating eggs as part of your regular diet can help:
- Fight obesity and associated diseases
- Support bone health and muscle retention
- Promote neonatal development in pregnant women
- And much more
Big nutrition in a small package
Eggs are the perfect partner for Canadians looking to make healthier food choices. These small wonders offer big benefits that include better nutrition, improved cognition, and a strengthened immune system. Here are just a few of the important nutrients found in eggs:

A diet rich in high-quality protein is important to fuel muscle growth and maintain a healthy body weight. Adding eggs to your meals can help you feel fuller longer and prevent snacking on unhealthy foods throughout the day.

The choline found in eggs helps support cognition, playing an important role in the developing brains of children and infants. Despite these benefits, many Canadians are not meeting the recommended intake of choline.2 Two large eggs provide 294 mg of choline, an incredible 100 per cent of the daily recommended intake for children 4 to 8 years old.3
Vitamin D
Often called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is key to stronger bones and teeth as well as the development of muscle for preventing illness. Eggs are one of the few foods that provide a natural source of vitamin D, with two large eggs offering 1.5 micrograms—great news for Canadians who live where sunshine is in short supply.

High-quality convenience
Eggs have been a staple food for generations, making them easy to find in your local grocery store or on restaurant menus. With endless versatility and quick preparation time, adding eggs is a simple way to elevate any meal. Canadians can also trust that Canadian eggs are produced locally by farm families, following rigorous food safety and animal welfare standards.
A healthy diet supported by eggs
Eggs are a great way for families to eat a balanced and nutritious diet in line with the Canadian Food Guide. Not only are eggs accessible, versatile and delicious, but they are also sustainably produced and are an important pillar of Canada’s domestic food supply.
Feeling inspired to eat more eggs? Check out the hashtag #EggsAnytime on social media or visit eggs.ca for recipe ideas to enjoy eggs at any time of day.
1Childhood obesity, (2019, January 22). Government of Canada.
3 Dietary Reference Intakes, (2010, November 29). Government of Canada.