Fort McMurray needs us. Will you stand with them?
By Peter ClarkeAs Fort McMurray was engulfed in flames, CBC’s Rex Murphy reminded us “we don’t get to pick moments of national character. They pick us.”1 Amidst these terrible days, when thousands of our friends and neighbours lost everything, the Canadian character was clear as ever.
We saw it in 11-year old Lexi Stevenson, who raised over $200 selling homemade bracelets across Charlottetown.2 We saw it in Ed and Sara Saunderson, who opened their home to 40 strangers fleeing south.3 We saw it in the friends of Carlos and Carol Moran, a couple who missed their wedding day–and received a torrent of donations for new rings, a cake, a photographer, flowers, food, and even their honeymoon.4
The destruction in Fort McMurray has been horrible–but with that horror came stories of hope. Alberta needs us all right now and I am proud that egg farmers are standing up to help.
I want to thank our friends and colleagues from the Egg Farmers of Alberta. They donated $5,000 to the Red Cross relief fund, and are working with their provincial graders to donate 1,800 dozen eggs to the Edmonton Food Bank.
We want to do our part too. Every dollar donated by those in the Canadian egg industry to the Canadian Red Cross or Alberta Food Banks will be matched by Egg Farmers of Canada, to a maximum of $30,000.
It is easy. When you donate to one of these fantastic organizations, simply submit proof of your donation to cpa@eggs.ca and we will go to work matching your contribution.
You can click here to donate to the Red Cross. Or, you can click here to donate to Alberta Food Banks.
Egg farmers across Canada stand in solidarity with Fort McMurray. I’m encouraging all of our members, staff and partners across Canada to stand up and do their part. I know I can count on you. I know Fort McMurray can too.
1 The National
2 CBC News Prince Edward Island
3 The Star
4 Metro News