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Sustainability is important to Canadians and Canada’s egg farmers

Canadian egg farmers have a longstanding track-record of supporting sustainable agricultural practices. Whether it’s how we work with our communities or the technology we use to power our barns, sustainability guides our actions today and into the future. While we know that farmers and Canadians have shared values regarding caring for our planet, recent research shined a light on the priorities of Canadians and their expectations towards sustainability and local food—like eggs. The research confirmed access to sustainably sourced food is important to Canadians. Read on to learn how egg farmers are delivering on those expectations.

The survey revealed that Canadians want to know more about the sustainability of their food. For example, 88% of Canadians feel it is important that the food they buy is sustainably produced, and 70% indicated that they want to increase their overall understanding of sustainable egg farming practices.1 

The good news is that Canadian egg farmers have long been leaders in sustainable farming. We are actively investing in sustainable practices as we innovate for the future of our industry.

Canadian egg farmers are committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This commitment builds on five decades of work to embrace research, innovation and techniques that support sustainable agricultural practices.

Our holistic approach to sustainability is built on five pillars that consider animal care and welfare; product quality, safety and nutrition; environmental impact; enhancing the wellbeing of others; and empowering our people. This approach means egg farmers remain stewards of both the environment and their people and provide world-class eggs to Canadians while farming for a more sustainable future.

Investments in environmental research and initiatives such as the National Environmental Sustainability and Technology Tool (NESTT), our one-of-a-kind on-farm sustainability assessment tool, are also helping farmers be even more sustainable. Initiatives like NESTT, LED lighting and cooling systems and efficient resource management have helped reduce the industry’s environmental footprint.

Canadians expect sustainable farming practices, and egg farmers are delivering. Click here to watch our interview with egg farmers Blake and Glen and learn even more about what makes Canadian eggs so sustainable.

1 Angus Reid. Egg Farmers of Canada World Egg Day survey of 1,000 respondents. (August 2023).